In December, a crazy idea came into my head. Now, that in its own is not really news, because I regularly get crazy ideas pop into my head. But this particular one was one that I chose to act upon. When walking through the condiment isle of my local store, I decided to purchase a new condiment each month and check it out. It is now referred to as the “Condiment of the month” .it was not until January that writing a review in this blog became a feasible option. Because of this, I did not do anything to be able to recall the name of the item but did recall that it was a garlic aioli. I mixed it into some pasta, and the taste did not trigger the need to gag, which indicated that it was acceptable. Alas, I did forget to put it back into the fridge one day, and after a couple of days, I ended up throwing it out.
December's Choice
So on to Decembers purchase was “Traeger Traeger ‘Que Classic BBQ sauce. What drew me to this product was the interesting slant to the lid. I had to check it out to see if there were any distinctive features involved with it, which there were not. Still, it was intriguing enough for me to complete the purchase.
I have not yet tried it on any type of real food but did take a tiny taste. I tasted exactly like one would expect barbeque sauce to taste like, though it was a bit too spicy for my liking. After all, I do tend to be a bit sensitive to spicy foods. But that is a different story. After all, is there anything out there that is perfect? One day, I will find the perfect food to enjoy this sauce on. I have been hyper fixated on eating Fruity Pebbles for the last few days, which I generally do not eat with barbeque sauce. I hope to eat something else soon, and that will be the chance to try this sauce.
Back To The Lid

Now back to the lid design. It happened to be one of those kinds that flip open. This is extremely beneficial to a person like me who commonly takes lids off items, puts them somewhere and forgets where they put them down, thus rendering them lost all the time. This flip design lessens the chances of this happening. Now, I do want to make it clear that it does not completely eliminate the odds that it will happen. After all, with my ADHD, anything is possible.
To sum this all up, I have just one thing to say:
“Traeger Traeger ‘Que Classic BBQ sauce. With a lid so awesome, I might even be able to remember to put it back into the fridge.”
Thank You!