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How a Saturday Without Internet Turned My World Upside Down

A personal account of coping with a minor but frustrating inconvenience


Most people look forward to Saturdays as a day of fun and relaxation, but for me, it is often the opposite. As a homemaker, I have to deal with more chores, more meals, and more demands from my family. I usually rely on the internet to provide me with some entertainment, distraction, and peace of mind. But what happens when the internet goes out and I lose access to all the things that keep me sane?

The Internet Outage

On a recent Saturday, I faced this nightmare scenario. The internet went out in the morning and did not come back until late at night. Without my usual sources of comfort and stimulation, such as streaming shows, listening to music, reading blogs, and browsing social media, I felt bored, restless, and anxious. I tried to find other ways to occupy myself, to no avail.

The Husband's Reaction

As if losing the internet was not bad enough, I also had to deal with my husband's constant complaints and demands. He was also bored and restless, but unlike me, he did not try to find other things to do. He just kept checking the router,, and whining about how he could not watch his favorite shows. He also wanted to talk to me, but not in a pleasant or supportive way. He wanted to vent his frustration, criticize my choices, and argue about trivial matters. I felt like I was trapped in a car with a nagging child who kept asking "Are we there yet?"

The Relief

After a long and stressful day, I finally went to bed, hoping to get some sleep and forget about the ordeal. I did not sleep well, though, as I kept worrying about the internet and how it would affect my plans for the next day. I also felt resentful towards my husband, who seemed to have no empathy for my situation. The next morning, I woke up and asked Alexa to turn off my light. To my surprise and delight, it worked. The internet was back. I also heard my husband's TV show in the background. He was happy too. The balance of the world was restored. At least for a while.

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