A summary of what I did, learned, and enjoyed this week.
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another week in review, where I share with you some of the highlights and challenges of my week. This week, I had some issues with my 3D printer, did some housework, launched an online store for Together ADHD, and went on a bike ride. Let's dive in!
3D Printing
My 3D printer was down for a while this week. Something went wrong early in the week, which I got it fixed. After I got a few prints going, then had the same problem again. .There were two time-sensitive things I wanted to make. Even though I had the downtime, I still got them both done. One was a gift for birthday, and the other was a prototype for a project I'm working on. I'm glad I managed to finish them on time, and they turned out well.
I also used Tinkercad to design my own item. I have not really got it looking the way I like, though. It's a holder for my headphones, which I want to attach to the side of my desk. I have been experimenting with different shapes and sizes, but I haven't found the perfect one yet. I think I need to learn more about the software and how to use it effectively. I'm hoping to improve my design skills and create more custom items in the future.
I have gotten all my dishes done on a couple of occasions this week. I also got the stove top cleaned. With the downtime with my printer, I had not been able to get too many things organized. The garbage is not removed Friday and Saturday, so since I forgot to take the garbage out on Thursday, so I am playing catchup on the garbage.
I have been trying to follow a routine and a checklist for my housework, but sometimes I get distracted or procrastinate. Having a clean and tidy environment helps me feel calmer and more productive, so I want to make this a priority. Setting some reminders and rewards for myself might help motivate me to do the chores.
Together ADHD
I finally got an online store going for Together ADHD, the website I created to help people with ADHD connect and support each other. There is also one going for this blog, where you can find drinkware and clothing by my ithinkiforgot brand. I am excited to share my products and services with you, and I hope you find them useful and enjoyable.
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Outreach is still very difficult right now, though. This is something I need to work on that this week. Growing my audience is a priority to me at this time.Content creation on TikTok and YouTube would be an ideal approach. I have some ideas for videos, podcasts, and articles that I think would be interesting and helpful. It is just a matter of finding the time and energy to make them happen. I am also open to suggestions and feedback from you, my readers and viewers. What kind of content would you like to see from me? Let me know in the comments or send me an email.
Saturday was a really sunny day here; my husband and I went on a bike ride. At first, I was disgusted with myself because I did not even really want to leave the house. I was not happy most of the ride. I did see a rabbit along the way, which did help me raise my spirits a bit. After I got home, though, I was feeling so much better. I realized that getting some fresh air and exercise was good for me, even if I did not feel like it at first. I think I need to do more of that, especially when I'm feeling low or stuck. Sometimes, a change of scenery and a bit of movement can make a big difference.
That's it for this week, folks. I hope you enjoyed reading about my week in review. I'd love to hear from you, too. How was your week? What did you do, learn, and enjoy? Share your thoughts and experiences with me in the comments or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you. Until next time, stay safe and take care!